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Manfaat Cincau (Grass Jelly) bagi Kesehatan

Pada posting sebelumnya saya sempat membahas tentang Yeo’s Grass Jelly Drink alias Minuman Cincau. Saya jadi tertarik, apa benar sih kata teman saya bahwa cincau itu baik bagi kesehatan. Kalo iya, apa saja manfaatnya? Sedikit tanya2 sama om Google menghasilkan beberapa “penemuan baru” yang cukup “signifikan” 🙂 Sebuah artikel di situs Himpunan Alumni IPB, Bogor…

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Google Picasa: Best Photo & Image Management Application for Linux

I hope to have said otherwise, but in my opinion the best image/photo management software for Linux is Google’s Picasa. If you haven’t known yet that Picasa is available for Linux, well so did I. It was surprising for me, but I was really glad when I found out about this. F-Spot and DigiKam is…

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Minuman Cincau Yeo’s

Lagi jalan2 ke Alfamart, eh secara nggak sengaja ngeliat minuman cincau Yeo’s alias Yeo’s cincau drink alias grass jelly drink. Kayanya menarik, karena seorang teman saya memberitahu saya tentang manfaat cincau alias janggelan (kata orang Jawa) bagi kesehatan: Sebelumnya memang pernah beli Cincau Drink merek Wong Coco. Kali ini akhirnya si Yeo’s “terpaksa” saya beli…

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GwenView: Image Viewer with Added Steroids

GwenView is a very good image viewer for Linux. It loads quickly, has a nice user interface, and has most of the more useful features of ACDSee. Among the features it provides are: full screen, preview, thumbnail view with details, and loads of image effects (sepia, blur, and the like). It’s definitely sufficient for any…

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LaFonte Makaroni Keju Instan *nggak enak*

Udah kedua kalinya beli LaFonte instant cheese macaroni alias makaroni keju instan. TETEP NGGAK ENAK! Dari tampilannya kelihatannya gimana? Itu di atasnya emang kutaburin keju parut tambahan (KRAFT) dan sepertinya itulah satu-satunya yang membuatku bisa menghabiskan LaFonte rasa mual ini sampe habis. Serius, mual banget makan makanan yang satu ini. Asin iya, gurih iya, tapi…

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NoteCase: Simple Hierarchical Note-Taking Application

NoteCase is a hierarchical note-taking application. It’s amazingly similar to Gjots2, but it seems Gjots2 has a bit more features. NoteCase doesn’t support formatting nor hyperlinking. You can use it to make outlines, but perhaps nothing more. My take? I prefer Tomboy. 🙂 Update: The version I reviewed is an old version that’s unfortunately bundled…

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Situs Resmi Ruby Indonesia Launching… in Beta!

Entah kenapa kita (kita?) tuh so excited banget punya situs resmi Ruby yang pake bahasa Indonesia. Tapi kenyataannya, kita (bangsa Indonesia) punya: (via Bapak Mandor) Situs ini masih dalam tahap final review, tapi Anda sudah dapat melihatnya di sini. Pengerjaan situs resmi Ruby Indonesia dilakukan oleh Yohanes Santoso, Arie Kusuma Atmaja, dan saya sendiri, beserta…

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GNOME Commander: Two-pane GUI File Manager

GNOME Commander is a fast and powerful graphical file manager for the Gnome desktop environment, it has a “two-pane” interface in the tradition of Norton and Midnight Commander. I’m sure it’s quite powerful, but as you can see in the screenshot, in the theme that I use for GNOME, GNOME Commander displays some very oversized…

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Krusader: Powerful Twin-Panel File Manager

Krusader is a simple, easy, powerful, twin-panel (commander-style) file manager for KDE and other desktops, similar to Midnight Commander or Total Commander. It provides all the file management features you could possibly want. Plus: extensive archive handling, mounted filesystem support, FTP, advanced search module, viewer/editor, directory synchronisation, file content comparisons, powerful batch renaming and much…