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OCaml: The Fastest Powerful Programming Language Ever?

OCaml seems to be a (yet another) very interesting programming tool. Objective Caml (OCaml) is the main implementation of Caml (Categorical Abstract Machine Language), which is based on ML. The Meta-Language (ML) was originally developed at Edinburgh University in the 1970’s as a language designed to efficiently represent other languages. The language was pioneered by…

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Oz Multiparadigm Concurrent Programming Language, The

I’m not sure about you, but to me Oz looks like a cool programming language to learn… and use: Oz is a multiparadigm programming language, developed in the Programming Systems Lab at Saarland University. Oz contains most of the concepts of the major programming paradigms, including logic, functional (both lazy and eager), imperative, object-oriented, constraint,…

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Semantic Interface Driven Architecture and Continuous Change Driven Development

The time has come for yet another wishful thinking. With the rise of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Event Driven Architecture (EDA), and Test Driven Development (TDD) extended with Behavior Driven Development (BDD), and a bunch of other buzzwords… let me introduce something else for the enterprise world: Semantic Interface Driven Architecture (SIDA) In short,…


Ubuntu, Muslim Edition

Buat yang Islam, dan pengen komputernya juga terisi hal-hal yang bertema Islami… Baru nemu, keren juga. Dari udienz: Bismillahirrohmanirrohiem, Assalamualikum Di Linux kita bisa mengoprek system sesuka kita (tp harus jadi root), hm… kemarin iseng iseng lihat ubuntu-me via website resminya, dan sempat kecewa sih sebenarnya karena tidak ada perubahan signifikan dari Ubuntu , cuma…

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Makan Pelan + Mengunyah itu *Sangat* Penting!

Anda sering atau sedang mengalami masalah kesehatan? Obesitas, diabetes, maag, diare, dan lain-lain? Cobalah tips yang sangat sederhana ini: mengunyah makanan dengan pelan pada saat makan, jangan tergesa-gesa. Alasannya? Artikel Irvan Tambunan ini sangat bagus: Menurunkan berat badan. Menurut penelitian, saat makan dengan pelan, kita mengonsumsi beberapa kalori. Faktanya, cukup untuk mengurangi 10 kilogram dalam…

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What The Movies Taught Me About Philosophy, Episode I

Sometimes you learned enough just by watching enough movies… Memento taught me that every ending has a beginning, but you can never be sure what caused that beginning. Tomorrow Never Dies taught me that you can always predict the future if you made sure the it will happen. Robots taught me that tiny things may…

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Emosi merupakan sifat bawaan manusia. James Gwee, motivator bisnis ternama dari Singapura, mengatakan: Customer yang sedang emosi tidak akan bisa menerima penyelesaian masalah. Singkatnya, dalam keadaan emosi manusia tidak bisa berpikir dengan jernih. Hal ini terjadi baik pada laki-laki dan terutama perempuan. Teman-teman saya sering tidak percaya bahwa saya berusaha untuk bersikap berbalik dengan mood…

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Emotional Healing for You

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is based on a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture except needles aren’t necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process…