From the Eyes of A Sinful…
Life is beautiful.
Especially beautiful when you see life from the eyes of a sinful.
Like me.
Overheard: “Many lessons are learned only after the fact…”
Life is beautiful.
Especially beautiful when you see life from the eyes of a sinful.
Like me.
Overheard: “Many lessons are learned only after the fact…”
A Near-Death Experience (NDE), according to Wikipedia, “is an experience reported by a person who nearly died, or who experienced clinical death and then revived. Some people argue it can be explained by hallucinations produced by the brain as it loses adequate blood supply and nutrients, while others state that such an explanation cannot account…
Buat yang Islam, dan pengen komputernya juga terisi hal-hal yang bertema Islami… Baru nemu, keren juga. Dari udienz: Bismillahirrohmanirrohiem, Assalamualikum Di Linux kita bisa mengoprek system sesuka kita (tp harus jadi root), hm… kemarin iseng iseng lihat ubuntu-me via website resminya, dan sempat kecewa sih sebenarnya karena tidak ada perubahan signifikan dari Ubuntu , cuma…
Masjid Salman ITB memiliki tradisi untuk mengundang alim agama tersohor, akademisi, hingga tokoh untuk menjadi penceramah sebelum salat tarawih. Berikut jadwal penceramah tarawih untuk Ramadan 1436 H kali ini.
Ubuntu’s latest version 8.10 Intrepid Ibex has just been released a few minutes ago! Congratulations to Canonical team for releasing this fresh new Ubuntu! The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop and Server, continuing Ubuntu’s tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution. Read… is an Islamic web site Parama Danoesubroto recently shared with me which, among other useful materials, contains general talks by Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar (as freely downloadable audios). Parama initially made me interested with a talk titled “Wisdom of Wealth” which is excellent. I begin to listen to the other talks. Actually I dutifully…
Namun timbul niat dari sebagian kaum Muslimin untuk membalas kezaliman tersebut kepada kaum kafir yang berada di negeri yang kaum Muslimin jadi mayoritas di sana. Ketahuilah, hal ini tidak dibenarkan dalam Islam. Kezaliman tidak dibalas kezaliman, bahkan wajib bersikap adil walaupun terhadap non-muslim.