From the Eyes of A Sinful…
Life is beautiful.
Especially beautiful when you see life from the eyes of a sinful.
Like me.
Overheard: “Many lessons are learned only after the fact…”
Life is beautiful.
Especially beautiful when you see life from the eyes of a sinful.
Like me.
Overheard: “Many lessons are learned only after the fact…”
Pada posting sebelumnya saya sempat membahas tentang Yeo’s Grass Jelly Drink alias Minuman Cincau. Saya jadi tertarik, apa benar sih kata teman saya bahwa cincau itu baik bagi kesehatan. Kalo iya, apa saja manfaatnya? Sedikit tanya2 sama om Google menghasilkan beberapa “penemuan baru” yang cukup “signifikan” 🙂 Sebuah artikel di situs Himpunan Alumni IPB, Bogor…
Overheard from Wikipedia: Excessive cerumen may impede the passage of sound in the ear canal, causing conductive hearing loss. It is also estimated to be the cause of 60 – 80% of hearing aid repairs. As mentioned above, movement of the jaw helps the ears’ natural cleaning process, so chewing gum and talking can both…
OCaml seems to be a (yet another) very interesting programming tool. Objective Caml (OCaml) is the main implementation of Caml (Categorical Abstract Machine Language), which is based on ML. The Meta-Language (ML) was originally developed at Edinburgh University in the 1970’s as a language designed to efficiently represent other languages. The language was pioneered by…
Jadi keinget, sebuah poster yang bertengger di salah satu tembok kantor saya saat ini: Sorry gambarnya jelek soalnya dulu mbikinnya pas masih pake Adobe InDesign (wadaow) dan sekarang file aslinya lagi nggak bisa dibuka… jadi PDF hasilnya dibuka trus di-skrinsut yah jadinya gitu deh. Anyways daripada ada yang bertanya apakah itu Ubuntu, saya nyuplik aja…
Hyper’s CD Catalogizer (short name: cdcat) is a GUI disk cataloging application. It can catalog CDs, DVDs, and other removable storage files, and also regular directories and files including your downloads. It is using the Qt toolkit so it probably look best on KDE, but it works perfectly on GNOME. The user interface is pretty…
Menonton film The Secret secara “tidak sengaja” memberikan aku inspirasi baru dalam hidup. Keesokan harinya secara “tidak sengaja juga” mendengarkan berapa lagu terutama punya Samsons, semakin membuka pemahaman liarku tentang peran kejahatan, keburukan, dan keterpurukan dalam hidup manusia di dunia ini… Lho, apa hubungannya? Makanya, sabar dulu atuh… Duplikasi warning sebelumnya: Posting ini mempunyai muatan…