Hateful speech is just a symptom
The real issue is that many people don’t realize they need psychological education and support.
The real issue is that many people don’t realize they need psychological education and support.
I promised myself that I would learn to speak and write at least two new languages (to at least somewhat-acceptable conversational level) within the next three years, that means my deadline is by the end 2021. ⏳ But why Mandarin, the standard Chinese language? Statistically speaking it is obvious: Mandarin is spoken by 1.2 billion…
Having issues do reduce your chances of getting a spouse, as there are traits men want from women (and vice versa). While I or anyone can always pick a few anecdotes of highly unlikely marriages, I don’t think it’s wise to depend so much on luck. On the other hand, you can also increase your…
From what I know from my honest not-so-pretty friends in Indonesia and other countries: being an ugly girl feels lonely. Sometimes it’s true loneliness (no friends) but mostly loneliness due to lack of boyfriend. People around them don’t treat them as well as they treat pretty girls, so this can lead to jealousy. Both feelings…
Beberapa hari terakhir ini saya dapat kesempatan belajar bahasa Jepang. Berhubung alfabetnya beda, syarat dasarnya ya menghafal alfabet hiragana, alfabet katakana, dan beberapa kanji penting. Meski baru tau dikit banget, tapi bagi saya hiragana dan katakana relatif mudah dipelajari. Kalau rajin latihan, mungkin dalam 1-3 bulan sudah lancar membaca dan menulis. Mengartikannya mah urusan lain…
I live in Indonesia, a country which is home to more than 200 million muslims. I did not accept Islam since birth (although that probably isn’t possible anyway 😉 ) so I tasted a bit about Protestant Christianity when I was a kid. I live in a heterogenous family: although my father is a muslim…
Doa terkait berbuka puasa ada dua: a. Doa menjelang berbuka. Doa ini dibaca sebelum anda mulai berbuka. Doa ini bebas, anda bisa membaca doa apapun, untuk kebaikan dunia dan akhirat Anda. b. Doa setelah berbuka. Ada doa khusus yang diajarkan Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam riwayat dari Ibnu Umar. Lafadz doanya adalah ذَهَبَ…