How to Start a Nonprofit Foundation or Charity
- Understand the need
- Study the landscape of other organizations in the same area
- Create your business strategy
Image via Wikipedia OSGi…. comparison-nya dengan WebSphere , Tomcat, JBoss … Mereka mengepak sebuah "Application Server " beserta libraries-nya yang versinya udah ditentuin. Mulai dari servlet, JSP, JSF, ESB, JMS, JMX, dll. Dengan begitu, file WAR "harusnya" sih kecil (dan pada kasus2 simple tetep kecil). Kenyataannya file WAR tetep banyak yang gede2, karena banyak library…
The Sad Bear 1, by Nedroid 7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable It turns out humans are social animals after all. And that ability to suffer fools, to tolerate annoyance, that’s literally the one single thing that allows you to function in a world populated by other people who aren’t you. Otherwise,…
OSGi the modularity system for Java . Since some people prefer mailing lists than Google to request introductory material, here’s my own. The first thing you’ll need to start practicing is an OSGi distribution. Pick one of them below: FUSE ESB (aka Apache ServiceMix ) ModuleFusion SpringSource dm Server Pax Construct You should be able…
Not sure why I’m doing this, but well…, that probably mega blog hosting provider was down for a couple minutes (?) a few hours ago, at 25 August 2007 around 14:25 GMT+0700. Original message: Goshdarnit! Something has gone wrong with our servers. It’s probably Matt’s fault. We’ve just been notified of the problem. Hopefully…