How to Survive Competing against The Big Guys
How to compete against companies with: …more power? …more money? …more market share? …less price?
*Market Your Product to a Niche of Passionate Customers.*
‘Nuff said.
How to compete against companies with: …more power? …more money? …more market share? …less price?
*Market Your Product to a Niche of Passionate Customers.*
‘Nuff said.
Recently I wasn’t happy with “my” current house (actually, it’s my parent’s house). Actually not with the house itself, but with what’s inside it and the way I live in it. I began to think “Just wait, one day I’ll have my own house and I’ll have things the way I want them to be…”…
I’ve been wondering for the past 2-3 years whether my experience, which was diagnosed by my psychiatric doctor, Dr. Kabul Budianto, as affective schizophrenia, were simply that (psychotic state, delusions, etc.) or there’s more to it… spiritually? I’ve also been increasingly thinking that these guys “don’t know nothing” about my condition. Be them doctors, Ph.D.’s,…
WARNING: THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! I can’t find anything I could love about this movie. Serius. Terutama setelah nonton I Love You, Om! yang kualitasnya jauh, jauh banget di atas film ini. (Seperti bandingin langit dengan selokan.) Ok, sutradara dan pengarah seni-nya emang keren. Banget. Sorry, kameramen, entah sengaja atau tidak, sering sekali nggak…
Just read a very interesting article from Wid Brilliant about Prophet Muhammad. It’s so good and “BLINK!” me a lot so I just had to make a copy here… Thanks a lot to Dedi Setiawan for introducing me the word “BLINK”, and Parama Danoesubroto for reminding me (again!) about this theme. Of course *BIG* Thanks…
NoteCase is a hierarchical note-taking application. It’s amazingly similar to Gjots2, but it seems Gjots2 has a bit more features. NoteCase doesn’t support formatting nor hyperlinking. You can use it to make outlines, but perhaps nothing more. My take? I prefer Tomboy. 🙂 Update: The version I reviewed is an old version that’s unfortunately bundled…
In order to make lates as few and as minimal as possible, here’s my brand-new, brilliantly invented idea: The question remains: Does it work? Apparently though, not as much as I had expected it to. 🙁