Marriott Bomb Terrorist Noordin Moh Top Killed in Temanggung Ambush

UPDATE: The terrorist killed turned out not to be Noordin Moh Top, but Ritz Ibrohim.

Terrorist group Noordin Moh Top, was ambushed today by Indonesian counter-terrorists Densus 88 in his hiding in Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia.

Sources say they have been able to win the gunfight against the hiding terrorists. The breaking news is currently being reported live on all Indonesian national TVs.

The terrorist group allegedly bombed the JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta in July 17, 2009, causing deep shock to many countries. ASEAN representatives were also very supportive of the Densus 88 counter-terrorist group’s actions.

During the raid that lasts more than 17 hours with almost constant gunfire, the Malaysian-born Noordin Mohamed Top bomb terrorist were being pushed back to the toilet and underground sewers before finally killed by a bomb launched by Densus 88 policemen.

The civilians immediately cheered “Hore… hidup polisi!” (Hurray! Bravo Police!) seeing the Densus 88 police team calm down having successfully attacked the terrorists.

It is not yet known if there are any other captured terrorist members.

Source: detikNews

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