Open Source Projects
Here are links to open source projects that I’ve contributed in.
Here are links to open source projects that I’ve contributed in.
When writing an academic paper, your university, journal, or conference, may require a particular citation or bibliography style. If you’re using a reference manager such as Mendeley or Zotero, then you should have no problem changing the citation style to match your publisher’s required format. However, another aspect of citation style is the citation or bibliography…
When people ask me, what do you do? And I probably answer… “I’m a programmer.” So they ask about computers, the Internet, e-mail, et cetera… Great! But the truth is… Everybody in this world is a programmer. I’m not talking in the narrow sense, and I’m not talking in the too much broad/generic sense that…
EBA Internship Program aims at matching top performing students with cutting-edge companies for JOB OPPORTUNITY. EBA Internship Program 2015-2016 Info session: 1. INTERNSHIP PROGRAM There are two types of internship programs. Details will be explained in info-session. EBA Internship EBA Master Internship Internship process Conditions 3rd year undergraduate students and above….
Baru-baru ini kami “mendapat” laptop alias notebook dengan model Axioo Neon TVR 856C. Tugas yang kami terima adalah, “si bos” mengharuskan laptop ini diinstall Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10. Sayangnya, laptop ini tidak dapat diinstall Ubuntu dengan “cara biasa.” Ah, sedikit petualangan nih, pikir saya… Sekedar petualangan ini ternyata berbuah puluhan kali restart, menunggu, googling, dan menggaruk2…
Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) dan Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (STEI) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) menyelenggarakan: Prototype Day Agustus 2015 dengan tema: Telkomsel Digital Art Week 29 Agustus – 5 September 2015. Pukul 09.00-16.00. Tempat: Digilife Dago, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 8 Exhibition: Oculus Sribaduga. Bayu Widagdo, M.Ds – FSRD ITB. Storytelling…