Open Source Projects
Here are links to open source projects that I’ve contributed in.
Here are links to open source projects that I’ve contributed in.
Baru-baru ini kami “mendapat” laptop alias notebook dengan model Axioo Neon TVR 856C. Tugas yang kami terima adalah, “si bos” mengharuskan laptop ini diinstall Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10. Sayangnya, laptop ini tidak dapat diinstall Ubuntu dengan “cara biasa.” Ah, sedikit petualangan nih, pikir saya… Sekedar petualangan ini ternyata berbuah puluhan kali restart, menunggu, googling, dan menggaruk2…
The International Conference on Interactive Digital Media (ICIDM 2015) aims to become a major point of contact between researchers, engineers and practitioners in Interactive Digital Media. Furthermore, ICIDM 2015 aims for increasing program for South East Asia computer graphics and image processing community to realize, recognize, and reveal the technological interplay at work behind the…
Sinyal Indosat IM3 4G LTE di sekitar tempat saya (JalanĀ Asia Afrika, Bandung) tiba-tiba menghilang sejak 14 Juni 2015 sampai 17 Juni 2015. Saya pikir ada error/gangguan jaringan yang berlaku global. Lalu saya coba kontak twitter @IndosatCare, tidak sampai satu jam kemudian sudah diperbaiki (“refresh jaringan”) dan 4G dapat digunakan kembali. So, kalo ada apa-apa dengan…
GoogleCL brings Google services to the command line (CLI). Great for DevOps job or for those loving the shell / console. GoogleCL currently support the following Google services: $ google blogger post –title "foo" "command line posting" Blogger $ google calendar add "Lunch with Jim at noon tomorrow" Calendar $ google contacts list Bob…
EBA Internship Program aims at matching top performing students with cutting-edge companies for JOB OPPORTUNITY. EBA Internship Program 2015-2016 Info session: 1. INTERNSHIP PROGRAM There are two types of internship programs. Details will be explained in info-session. EBA Internship EBA Master Internship Internship process Conditions 3rd year undergraduate students and above….
Boro-boro mencegah phishing/scam/hacking apalagi bersiap-siap menghadapi tantangan serangan malware dan virus bagi pengguna perangkat Internet of Things seperti TV, kulkas, camera, robot, dsb. (yang pastinya akan semakin banyak)… Setiap pulang dari warnet atau game center mana pun, USB flash drive saya pasti langsung kena virus. Padahal pencegahan dan pengamanan virus yang menyebar lewat USB flash drive (secara offline) termasuk paling gampang. Dengan kondisi…