Powerless, Practical, Powerful
A Powerless person tries to fulfill his own desires.
A Practical person fulfills others’ desires.
A Powerful person makes others crave his products/services even more everytime.
A Powerless person tries to fulfill his own desires.
A Practical person fulfills others’ desires.
A Powerful person makes others crave his products/services even more everytime.
Film The Secret mengisahkan bagaimana semua kejadian kepada diri kita adalah hasil dari buah pikiran kita sendiri.* Film ini menjabarkan dengan caranya sendiri, tentang hukum alam universal bahwa semua yang terjadi, adalah “proses perpindahan energi”, di mana pikiran yang positif akan menarik hal-hal yang positif. Dan pikiran buruk akan membawa hal-hal yang buruk pula. Film…
OCaml seems to be a (yet another) very interesting programming tool. Objective Caml (OCaml) is the main implementation of Caml (Categorical Abstract Machine Language), which is based on ML. The Meta-Language (ML) was originally developed at Edinburgh University in the 1970’s as a language designed to efficiently represent other languages. The language was pioneered by…
NoMachine’s NX is a cool technology to GUI-ly remote your server using less bandwidth and more power responsiveness. If you miss your GUI luxury, let’s install it on your VPS, shall we? Get some Ubuntu first, Dapper or Edgy or Feisty all work fine. Installing some kind of desktop GUI will make the journey smoother…
It’s not so bad this month, I guess 🙂 (I really hope Amazon has no forbidding policy in disclosing earnings to the public.) I guess I should work harder 🙂 $14 just in 17 days? Simply by posting Amazon links on a blog? Life is so easy. 🙂 I think one day I can really…
1001 Rules adalah ide untuk sebuah situs di mana anggotanya dapat membuat daftar “Top 10” (nggak harus 10 sih) untuk hal2 yang bagi dia menarik, misalnya: Top 10 Rules of Dating (contoh di mock-up tersebut) Top Movies Top Artists Top Romantic Songs The Worst News Events Ever!!! Ide dasarnya sih seperti itu, dilengkapi dengan fasilitas…
It begins with a simple question to Andrew Trinh, founder of business consultancy firm Trizle: “Any good accounting book?” His response: The Accounting Game. But then comes an uber-pleasant surprise: He sent me the book as a gift! And the day had just come: You shouldn’t have to ask if it’s “good,” as it’s easily…