Powerless, Practical, Powerful
A Powerless person tries to fulfill his own desires.
A Practical person fulfills others’ desires.
A Powerful person makes others crave his products/services even more everytime.
A Powerless person tries to fulfill his own desires.
A Practical person fulfills others’ desires.
A Powerful person makes others crave his products/services even more everytime.
Ah… meskipun aku di sini udah kerja, tapi nggak ada salahnya kan nyoba2 cari duit tambahan. Emang sih kerja di sini nggak banyak dapetnya (kayanya semua orang bilang gitu deh ya…) tapi yang enak di sini tuh ada koneksi Internet yang sering bisa dipake kalo warnetnya lagi nggak 100% penuh plus akhir2 ini aku jarang…
You know what, I get the feeling that I’m somehow “destined” to be a “probabilistic guy” (it has a spiritual touch) A few minutes ago I was thinking that “IT” is simply about reducing ambiguity. which is basically increasing specificity. Problem is, the world is inherently uncertain. And IT usually doesn’t cope well with this…
Baru tau kalo ternyata buah naga itu “selain dikenal sebagai alternatif dalam menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit, juga bisa diolah menjadi berbagai macam makanan yang lezat, yakni dari mulai sup sampe puding.” Tentu saja, gw sendiri juga baru tau kalo ada buah yang namanya buah naga. Berdasarkan informasi sang penulis, cara makan buah naga yang paling…
Everybody knows Firefox, Mozilla‘s flagship browser that’s being used by most geeks worldwide (and increasingly used by non-geeks too.) In the emerging Rich Internet Applications platform market, we are seeing more and more vendors jump in: Adobe with Apollo, Microsoft with Silverlight, Sun Microsystems with JavaFX, and a bunch others. So has anyone considered using…
Baru2 ini gw “ketemu” ama seseorang… Nggak “ketemu” sih karena ketemunya virtual nggak secara langsung… Cuma, hal pertama yang muncul di benakku adalah, orang ini… “menarik.” Unique? Tentu saja, semua orang unique. Of literally thousands of persons I personally met and touched; this person, even though “unseen”… maybe a uniquest of the uniques. 😉 It…
Thank you Orbitz for posting [Erlang vs.] Java and and Threads (Jetty): The basic idea is, instead of using 1 thread per connection, since connections can last awhile, they use 1 thread per request that a connection has. The hope being, a connection will idle most of the time and only send requests once in…