Ruby on Rails E-Commerce Book from Apress
Sometime ago I got this Ruby on Rails book from Apress. I reviewed it.
It’s gone from me now. For a very good reason. And I’m really, really happy about it. 🙂
Sometime ago I got this Ruby on Rails book from Apress. I reviewed it.
It’s gone from me now. For a very good reason. And I’m really, really happy about it. 🙂
We recently upgraded a server from a Jetway P4M9AP motherboard to a Zotac N73V-AC7V, which is actually very good… except that they (the motherboard, NForce 610i chipset, NVidia GeForce 7050 integrated graphics adapter/VGA, sound) doesn’t work out of the box with our Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10. Fortunately, there is a solution: nForce 610i : audio and…
Baru tau kalo ternyata buah naga itu “selain dikenal sebagai alternatif dalam menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit, juga bisa diolah menjadi berbagai macam makanan yang lezat, yakni dari mulai sup sampe puding.” Tentu saja, gw sendiri juga baru tau kalo ada buah yang namanya buah naga. Berdasarkan informasi sang penulis, cara makan buah naga yang paling…
I was wondering what feed reader I’ll use since I switched from Windows to [Ubuntu] Linux, again… … when I saw a very pleasant surprise from Google Reader: Set up Google Reader for offline use. This feature enables you to read your 2000 most recent items even when your computer is not connected to…
I was just reading A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection, written by Peter Gutmann, referred by Bad Vista. A pre-disclaimer: I’m not really “at war” with Microsoft, as I have some friends at Microsoft, and even I’m myself a .NET Blogger. In short, it describes how the content protection features incorporated in Microsoft’s…
Sahabat saya, Ollie, baru saja merilis novel terbarunya yang kali ini bernuansa Islami, tentang perjuangan dalam mencari pasangan jiwa alias soulmate. Dari blog Ollie: Back in 2006, saya mencoba untuk menulis sebuah novel bernafaskan Islam. Ini terus terang saja agak sulit. Karena saya merasa tidak punya kapasitas apa-apa di bidang itu dan tentu saja ilmu…
KDE 4.0 contains lots of applications for every day use as well as for specific purposes and is an innovative Free Software desktop, which is usually dubbed as the biggest competitor of GNOME Desktop Environment. Plasma, the new desktop shell developed for KDE 4, provides an intuitive user interface to interact with the desktop and…